
Entice locals to compost – closed



At the moment, a lot of organic household waste in Amsterdam ends up with non-recyclable waste and is incinerated. Garden waste from public green space is currently transported long distances to professional waste processors, often dependent on tenders. But there are opportunities to process this organic waste in a closed loop locally (by shredding and/or composting) and use it where it is produced.

The municipality is looking for solutions that preferably combine organic waste collection and processing with resident participation, employment and circular aims (such as cutting CO2 emissions, stimulating local awareness and involvement, improving local soil quality and reducing peat-based compost imports). We favour ideas that include one or more of these solutions. The pros and cons of the various elements of an organic waste scheme (such as continuity, cost, public support) can be analysed, possibly using IJburg as a test location.


The Challenge:

Develop an innovative solution for local organic waste collection and processing



  • We prefer solutions that stimulate public/civil collaboration, meaning residents and local government participate in a local organic waste scheme.
  • People who are disadvantaged in the job market may be included in the solution.
  • The pilot can take place in IJburg, then scale to other areas of the city.

Issued by: Afval en Grondstoffen