
Safe Social Media – closed



Amsterdam enjoys a worldwide reputation as a city open to everyone. Our College of Mayor and Alderpersons uphold an open and hospitable Amsterdam, where the unjust exclusion of individuals or groups is unacceptable. With its broad anti-discrimination* approach, the City Council unanimously seeks an inclusive and tolerant city where everyone can be him/herself, with respect for others and for the norms and values of our state and city. This does not just happen automatically. A diverse and welcoming city requires attention, investment and effort by the municipality, its partners, its citizens and its visitors.

Two important goals within the anti-discrimination approach are:

  • To vigorously tackle perpetrators of punishable forms of discrimination;
  • To reduce discriminatory comments on social media.

People communicate anonymously and freely on social media. But too easily and too often, they discriminate against others as well. Is there any way in which we could stop people who are about to make discriminatory comments online from doing so?


The challenge

Develop an innovative instrument to help reduce discrimination on social media.



  • It would be of added value if the product can be scaled up for use in other Dutch cities (and internationally);
  • Familiarity with the issue is preferable;
  • The solution should preferably involve the following partners: Public Prosecution Service (Openbaar Ministerie, OM), Discrimination Reporting Centre, Amsterdam Region (Meldpunt Discriminatie Regio Amsterdam, MDRA, the Police, Internet Discrimination Reporting Centre (Meldpunt internet discriminatie, MinD), the City. The City will play a facilitating role initially;
  • The solution must be in compliance with all privacy rules and regulations.


* Definition:

Discrimination is the unequal treatment of an individual or a certain group of people based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or religion.


Issued by: RVE Onderwijs, Jeugd, Zorg & Diversiteit