Primary Challenge Owner: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Secondary Challenge Owner(s): none
In the world of education, support systems are set up mainly for subjects with a traditional structure. Non-standard coursework, such as internships, laboratory teaching, theses and/or (practical) assignments don’t fit into this framework, but every student must partake in several of these types of courses during their studies. Therefore, lecturers each create ICT solutions in their own way to support and administer these deviating subjects. This is usually done using Excel or similar tools. This complicates reuse and collaboration and makes learning from each other nearly impossible. Additionaly, these solutions are prone to error and often don’t meet privacy requirements. Commonly used steps in these processes include completing a form, submitting an assignment within the learning environment on time, recording feedback from an external supervisor, checking registration requirements or reminders for steps to be taken.
In the past, the RUG has built a supporting tool within the Blackboard learning environment. With the phasing out of Blackboard, this tool has also disappeared. The RUG does not want to develop another tool aimed at a specific learning environment, but instead is looking for a generic solution.
Contribute to setting up non-standard educational processes through a workflow solution linked to the learning environment in which different roles can participate.
Do you have a possible solution for this challenge? Great! You can apply here. Fill in your email address to get full access to the documents and the application page. Applications will be accepted from April 4th until May 24th 2023.