
Digital inclusion

Society is becoming more and more digital. There is a growing division between people who use the opportunities of digitalization and people who (consciously or otherwise) have difficulty going digital. Consequences are immediately noticeable in relation to personal finances, housing and work. Especially the 2.5 million low-literate people in the Netherlands are a vulnerable group. According to the most recent calculation of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the total social costs for low literacy are € 1.13 billion per year.

Digital inclusion focuses on effectively reducing digital illiteracy and promoting digital skills in the Netherlands.

At local level, there have been many initiatives for many years that are concerned with improving basic digital skills and reducing digital illiteracy. However, recent research has shown that relatively few digitally illiterate people participate, especially the autochthonous digital low-literate people are hard to find and do not accept that help that easily.  The achievement and temptation of this target group must therefore be different.

Develop an innovative solution to reach digital illiterate people.

What are we looking for?
The challenge and ambition in this issue is to reach this target group in such a way that they are tempted to use the support possibilities.

We are looking for innovative solutions. Below are a number of issues that the startup should take into consideration.

  • The pilot / solution should aim to reach the target group (digital low-literate people) in such a way that people are tempted to use the support offered.
  • Your solution can be broad: A technical solution or a soft solution.
  • Possibility to scale up: impact must be at a national level – everyone is involved. The large group must be reached.
  • The solution may be an addition to the policy in the Agenda NL Digibeter – Everyone must be able to participate. Therefore it can be a completely new solution, but it is also possible to come up with a solution that is complementary to existing initiatives.

Specific selection criteria

  • The solution must be scalable to the national and regional level, without significantly increasing the total costs.
  • Easily accessible: b1 / b2 language level or graphic.
  • Adaptable to local situations (different organizations must be able to work with it, perhaps by adding their own local color)