

Primary challenge owner: City of Groningen

Secondary challenge owner(s): None



From Noorderplantsoen to Stadspark, Groningen has many beautiful green areas. But this urban green space also needs to be maintained, and managing these green areas in the city releases large quantities of biomass. This includes grass, leaves, branches, grass clippings and dredge from ditches etc. In most situations, this material must be disposed of. In the best-case scenario, it is suitable for energy purposes and still yields something, especially wood, but more often it is deposited with a commercial party and has to be paid for. 

In the current situation, it costs money to get rid of biomass. Factors involved include space for storage and processing, there is often no room to leave material lying around so you can’t respond well to supply and demand. 


The question/challenge for startups

Come up with applications/solutions for one or more biomass streams, the main criterion is to reduce costs by utilizing materials. Or better yet, that this biomass will represent a positive value.



  • A practical and innovative party that comes up with concrete implementable solutions.
  • The solution should be scalable and applicable to multiple green spaces.
  • The solution should reduce current costs.
  • A circular solution is a plus.


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