
Campus public greens and work environment


“Green is good!” That’s the consensus of many studies into “the perfect working environment”. A green environment positively contributes to the experiences and state of mind of students, employers and employees. And because of that, also their productivity of course. In addition, “green” is essential to make a location climate adaptive and future-proof, for example in reducing heat stress and waterlogging.


Campus Groningen welcomes 40,000 students, 20,000 employees and around a thousand guests every day. They’re all working here with a specific goal: studying for exams, developing new technologies, doing research, etc. The digital infrastructure and laboratories help these people to achieve their goals, but indirectly the quality and quantity of the greens are also important contributors. By proactively changing and managing the greenery on Campus, the Campus and its partners want to create a positive effect on the working environment of students, employees and visitors.


The question/challenge for startups

How can public green spaces become a source of innovation and contribute to the campus becoming the optimal working environment?



  • Visible initiative
  • Measurable
  • Sustainable
  • Willingness to collaborate with students

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