
Reducing nitrogen emissions

Primary challenge owner: Province of Fryslân

Secondary challenge owner(s): None



You most certainly are aware that Fryslân, like the rest of the country, has a nitrogen problem. Our delicate environment is under threat. The Nitrogen Reduction and Nature Restoration Act requires, for this reason, that nitrogen emissions from agriculture, mobility and industry are reduced. This can be achieved, for example, by changing business practices or using other technologies. 

A portion of agricultural emissions occurs when animal manure is deposited on the farmer’s land. How much nitrogen is released in this process depends, among other things, on weather conditions. So there are gains to be made here. 

The nitrogen problem is a “wicked problem”: it cannot be solved with a single solution. That’s why the province of Fryslân is working on a toolbox with a variety of possible solutions. This does not yet include the gains to be made by dispersing manure in favorable weather conditions (windless, damp weather). 

The nitrogen problem is everyone’s problem. As inhabitants of Fryslân, we want to enjoy the beautiful Natura 2000 areas and watch cows in the meadows. But we also want to consume food from our own soil. Because of this, the nitrogen problem cuts through all layers of society, like cattle farmers, the dairy sector, conservationists, the province of Fryslân, the Department of Waterways and Public Works and municipalities. 


The question/challenge for startups

Develop a solution that enables, informs and motivates farmers to apply manure under weather conditions where it results in reduced nitrogen emissions.



  • The idea must be scalable 
  • The idea must be simple to use 
  • The idea must change behavior
  • The idea and result must be measurable
  • The idea must be cost-effective

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