Primary challenge owner: Waterschap Noorderzijlvest
Secondary challenge owner(s): None
Water board Noorderzijlvest is responsible for maintaining sufficient, safe and clean surface water, which differs from the work of water companies, who only provide drinking water. One of the main tasks of our organization is to clean wastewater from our surface area. We do this at 13 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), where waste water sludge is produced. This sludge is transported by truck to a central location, where it’s processed. However, the transported sludge is only 3% dry matter and 97% water. We would like to reduce the amount of transport needed, for example by reducing the production of sludge, reducing the amount of water before transport or provide a tool for determining the best routes -based on buffer levels/location/traffic, for example. The reduction of transport reduces our environmental impact, with an added financial benefit.
Reduce the environmental and financial impact of the transport of wastewater sludge.